The new website is finished!

Finally! After months of work the website is finally finished and I hope you like it as much as I do!
Since the start of Momente ten years ago a lot has changed: In the beginning six static pages done with Photoshop that later on developed into an extensive Flash-page, which soon was translated into Englisch and was changed a number of times (a big thank you goes at this point to my sister Nadine, who realised the technical part of the internet project and invested a lot of time and energy).
And now just in time for the 10th anniversary we took another big step forward and completely overhauled the webseite, redesigned and modernized it. Times change and with them the demands and ideas of the clients – that is why we adapted the website and hope that you can easily find your way and get all the information that you need. If not, please feel free to send me an email – there is always room for improvement!
And only marginally mentioned: All the fingerfood photos are pictures of real Momente food! No bought, manipulated photos, but all of food that was eaten after the pictures were taken! 🙂