

"Passione" - Passion filled in glasses

The moment I met Brigitte Bengner, owner of "Passione", it was immediately clear that there has got to be some kind of partnership! She is just as passionate and enthusiastic about her work than I am and that is just a lot of fun!

"Teasecco" Darjeeling green tea meets fruits from the meadows
A new flavour of the "priseccos" from the manufacture Jörg Geiger: apple, pear and peach juice refined with finest Darjeeling green tea, spices and herbs. Extremely delicious, not so sweet and a great accompaniment with every meal. And, of course, without...
"La vie est belle" - chocolate truffels that melt in your mouth
Some of you already know them, those French chocolate truffels, and a lot of you simply hate them! They are just so terribly delicious that it is next to impossible to resist them! Small chocolate bombs that melt in your mouth...